
Every library does it.  You probably have done it.

You get rid of books.

And that was what L and I just did—we culled the fiction shelves and pulled out about six shelf feet of things we didn’t like enough, or don’t think we’ll read again, and stacked them all on the dining table, ready to go to Half-Price Books.  And once we had the stacks, I looked at them and said, “L,” I said, “maybe I could offer some of these to my Small but Faithful Readership instead of ditching them outright.”

And that is where you come in.  Tell me if you want any of the following list, and we’ll see what we can arrange.  If you’re local you can come after them at The Old Gray House, and if you’re not I’ll mail your picks to you for the cost of mailing.  Offer ends at midnight Friday the 19th.


Auel, Jean. The Clan of the Cave Bear. Crown, 1980.
——. The Valley of Horses. Crown, 1982.
——. The Plains of Passage. Crown, 1990.
——. The Mammoth Hunters. Crown, 1985.
——. The Shelters of Stone. Crown, 2002.
——. The Land of Painted Caves. Crown, 2011.
Davies, Robertson. Happy Alchemy. Viking, 1997.
——. The Merry Heart. Viking, 1996.
De Lint, Charles. Waifs and Strays. Viking, 2002.
Dufresne, Frank. No Room for Bears. Holt, Rinehart, 1965.
Kelley, Douglas. The Captain’s Wife. Dutton, 2001.
Kinsella, W. P. The Dixon Cornbelt League. HarperCollins, 1995, ©1993.
Kraft, Eric. Reservations Recommended. Crown, 1990.
Larsson, Björn. Long John Silver. Harvill, 1999, ©1995.
Lawhead, Stephen. The Black Rood. Eos, 2000.
Pearson, T. R. Blue Ridge. Viking, 2000.
——. Polar. Viking, 2002.
——. True Cross. Viking, 2003.
Reader’s Digest. Nature in America. Reader’s Digest, 1991.
Twain, Mark. Tom Sawyer, Detective. Grosset & Dunlap, 1924.


Borges, Jorge Luis, ed. The Book of Fantasy. Carroll & Graf, 1976.
De Lint, Charles. Yarrow. Orb, 1987, ©1986.
Hamilton, Virginia. In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World. Harcourt Brace, 1988.
Kinsella, W. P. The Further Adventures of Slugger McBatt. Penguin, 1988.
Muller, Gilbert H., ed. The McGraw-Hill Reader, 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, ©1991.
Proulx, Annie. The Shipping News. Touchstone, 1994, ©1993.
Thompson, Flora. Lark Rise to Candleford. Godine, 2009, ©1945.


Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Bantam, 1981.
Bradley, Marion Zimmer. Star of Danger. 1983, ©1965.
—— Two to Conquer. ©1980.
Deitz, Tom. Windmaster’s Bane. Avon, 1986.
Friesner, Esther, ed. Chicks in Chainmail. Baen, 1995.
Gaiman, Neil. Anansi Boys. Harper Torch, 2005, ©2004.
Goldman, William. The Silent Gondoliers. Del Rey, 1985, ©1983.
McAuley, Paul. Pasquale’s Angel. AvoNova, 1997, ©1995.
McSherry, Frank, ed. The Fantastic World War II. Baen, 1990.
Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Green Gables. Bantam, 1987.
——-. Anne of the Island. Bantam, 1987.
Moon, Elizabeth. Divided Allegiance. Baen, 2000 ©1988.
——. Oath of Gold. Baen, 1989.
Robinson, Spider. Callahan’s Lady. Ace, 1990, ©1989.
——. Lady Slings the Booze. Ace, 1993, ©1992.
——. User Friendly. Ace, 1998.
Saberhagen, Fred. Merlin’s Bones. Tor, 1996.
Scarborough, Elizabeth. Bronwyn’s Bane. Bantam, 1983.
——. Song of Sorcery. Bantam, 1982.
——. Songs from the Seashell Archives vol. 2. Bantam, 1988.
——. The Unicorn Creed. Bantam, 1983.
Silverberg, Robert. The Gate of Worlds. Tor, 1984, ©1967.
Turtledove, Harry. Sentry Peak. Baen, 2000.

About Marchbanks

I'm an elderly tech analyst, living in Texas but not of it, a cantankerous and venerable curmudgeon. I'm yer SOB grandpa who has NO time for snot-nosed, bad-mannered twerps.
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