Final counts

M finished Girl Scout cookie sales last week (officially, sales ended March 1st) with 506 boxes sold, despite losing one of her big markets when L got laid off (L’s office was a source of consistent sales).

KUT’s spring pledge drive ended at 9:00 this morning with more than one million dollars raised!  The combination of introducing a “sustaining member” program, to help flatten the peaks and valleys of the membership budget, and the spectre of the Congressional funding cutoff pushed people to give in record amounts.  One senior member of KUT management said he thought it would be a LONG time before KUT saw another million-dollar pledge drive, because the sustaining memberships will cut into the totals of the formal drives, but L says she’s not so convinced—she thinks it’ll happen again before many more years are gone.


How much fnord do you earn on one million dollars?

About Marchbanks

I'm an elderly tech analyst, living in Texas but not of it, a cantankerous and venerable curmudgeon. I'm yer SOB grandpa who has NO time for snot-nosed, bad-mannered twerps.
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