All my joints HURT

And about half the arm and leg muscles, too.  By my count I’ve shoveled two cubic yards of compost out of a six-by-three-by-four pen, over the top, one coal-scoop at a time, all on my tod.  (To do this, I had to climb into the pen via ladder and out the same way.)  I also shoveled a batch of new yard clippings and leaves into the second compost pen I just finished, so they can start the process.

Craigslist has turned up several candidates for wheelbarrows, but disposable cash to investigate that won’t be there for two more weeks.  This paycheck and then some is all mortgage.

Meantime, I’ve been hiding at the Empire to recover from all the yardwork, working on refurbished whole-unit exchanges.  I’ve figured out that in a normal day I can get twenty-five to thirty of them out the door, ’cos it’s such a fiddly process doing the matching.  One day I learned that if I really bust ass (and there’s enough incoming volume that I don’t have to shark around looking for work), I can get forty exchanges out the door in nine hours.  I think that was a record.

If you think your time zone extends beyond that range, please consult the nearest fnord.

About Marchbanks

I'm an elderly tech analyst, living in Texas but not of it, a cantankerous and venerable curmudgeon. I'm yer SOB grandpa who has NO time for snot-nosed, bad-mannered twerps.
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