There r pikls

But while there are pickles, they are not yet edible pickles, since I only canned them last night.  Two quart jars and three pint jars of German dills are now aging in the pantry, and in two weeks, if the recipe in Marquez and Wagner is correct, they’ll be ready to eat.

The part that has me PO’d, however, is that most of the little gherkins that I got in the CSA basket were on the edge of spoiling, and because I couldn’t attend to them right away (L’s mother came to visit, and to pick up Martha for their trip to Yosemite), spoil they did, all moldy and squishy, so I had to throw out nearly half what I got.  This is not how to make Sam happy.

But still, there will be some pickles, and maybe cuke season won’t be over before the next CSA basket gets here.

And for my next trick, I think I may dig out some fish filets and make tilapia Créole aux noisettes à la Commander’s Palace.  Or maybe I’ll just paint window screens instead.

About Marchbanks

I'm an elderly tech analyst, living in Texas but not of it, a cantankerous and venerable curmudgeon. I'm yer SOB grandpa who has NO time for snot-nosed, bad-mannered twerps.
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