A short (but not very sentimental) interlude

I finished wiring the network box in the sewing room.  Both ports now have connectivity.  Now I just gotta figure out HTH to get the damn thing to stay in the wall, instead of falling back into the inter-joist space, ’cos there’s no room to drive nails or screwdrivers.  L has already started agitating for a desktop box of her own to put in there.  I foresee another trip to Discount Electronics coming.

I went down to Threadgill’s World Headquarters last night for a concert by the reclusive legend Willis Alan Ramsey.  We got two sets of one guy with a guitar and a harmonica doing nothing but his own fantastic originals, a mixture of tunes from his astonishing 1972 debut album (the only one he’s released to date) and from his gonna-be-released-Real-Soon-Now second, Gentilly.  While the music would have been helped along by some backing (particularly the lurching beat of “Northeast Texas Women,”), what we got was just fine, and the audience for a miracle just SHUT UP and listened to him.

Now I’m gonna go try to change the blade on the bench saw, and see if I can split out some more firewood from bits of The Shedding Tree.


Praise the Lord and pass the mescaline.  Fnord.

About Marchbanks

I'm an elderly tech analyst, living in Texas but not of it, a cantankerous and venerable curmudgeon. I'm yer SOB grandpa who has NO time for snot-nosed, bad-mannered twerps.
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