I has a weez

I stayed home from work yesterday, because the pecans blooming have got me into an asthmatic attack—a mild one by my standards, but involving tightness, congestion, and the inability to get air in and out of my lungs.  M got sent home from school yesterday for the same thing, except she sounded worse than I did.

I managed to get her squeezed in late in the day at her pediatrician’s office.  He listened to her, had her do an albuterol nebulizer treatment then and there, and sent us on with a script for low-dose prednisone to knock down the allergic inflammation, which is what was getting her down.  And it worked.  By this afternoon her breathing sounds almost normal.

I, however, am still going downhill.  I have a nasty, hard, dry cough, and enough constriction that I’m puffing if I do anything, from walking across a room on upward.  And the violence of the cough is starting to upset my stomach and make me queasy.

About Marchbanks

I'm an elderly tech analyst, living in Texas but not of it, a cantankerous and venerable curmudgeon. I'm yer SOB grandpa who has NO time for snot-nosed, bad-mannered twerps.
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