More about money

This is the second of a series of five articles.  The author is a well-known twentieth-century expatriate American.  At the end of the series, I will reveal his name.  In the meantime, feel free to comment or to guess who the author is.

When the parliament was invented by England long ago it was mostly done to keep the king from spending too much money.

Since then every country has a parliament but who is there to stop the parliaments from spending too much money.  If anybody starts spending money they never stop themselves.  If they stop, it is because somebody stops them.  And who is to stop congress from spending too much money.  Everybody has to think about that now.

In France the chamber has been doing the same thing spending too much money and so everybody voted for the communists hoping that the communists would stop them.  Now everybody thinks that the chamber under the communists will just go on spending the money and so a great many frenchmen are thinking of getting back a king, and that the king will stop the french parliament from spending money.

That is funny.  Parliament was invented to stop a king spending money and now the french are thinking of getting back a king to stop the parliament from spending all their money.

In America, where, ever since George Washington, nobody really can imagine a king, who is to stop congress from spending too much money. They will not stop themselves, that is certain.  Everybody has to think about that now.  Who is to stop them.


I’m all right, Jack, keep yer hands offa my stack.  Fnord.

About Marchbanks

I'm an elderly tech analyst, living in Texas but not of it, a cantankerous and venerable curmudgeon. I'm yer SOB grandpa who has NO time for snot-nosed, bad-mannered twerps.
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