I am shocked, SHOCKED!

that Piet passed inspection yesterday.

This year Texas added a tailpipe-emissions test to its annual safety inspection for all vehicles between two and 24 model years old. At 18, Piet’s in there for several more years.  I fully expected that, as he’s been running a bit off in recent months and his gas mileage has been low, as in really-needs-a-tuneup low, I was gonna get to pay a BIG chunk to get him in shape, so my visit to Groovy Automotive yesterday morning for “inspection” would turn out to be learning how bad the engine was, and what it would take to make it right.

I handed in my keys, proof of insurance card, and check for $28.50 (up from $12.50 last year; the emissions test adds a LOT to the price), and sat down to wait.  About 20 minutes later, the mechanic came in and handed me the keys and test results.  I was astonished to see a large “PASSED” at the bottom of the form!  I was even more astonished when I looked at the emissions results and found that Piet not only passed the test, he wasn’t even close to hitting any of the limits.

So he’s now going about with a nice new 10-6 inspection sticker, right below the big star in the windshield where I took a rock from a gravel truck I was following one morning week before last, going to work.


Saint Gregory caught the Katy and left me a Komodo dragon to ride.  Fnord.

About Marchbanks

I'm an elderly tech analyst, living in Texas but not of it, a cantankerous and venerable curmudgeon. I'm yer SOB grandpa who has NO time for snot-nosed, bad-mannered twerps.
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